Wednesday, February 24, 2010


We awoke to more of the beautiful white snow this morning. The pictures below are some I snapped from my door way.

SNOWFLAKES by Linda A. Copp

Snowflakes spill from heaven's hand
Lovely and chaste like smooth white sand
A veil of wonder laced in light
Falling gently on a winter's night.
Graceful beauty raining down
Giving magic to the lifeless ground.
Each snowflake like a falling star
Smiling beauty that's spun afar.
Till earth is dressed in a robe of white
Unspoken poem the hush of night.

You can see the fire hydrant pole sticking out of the snow and my mailbox

Here my garden waits for a sign of spring

My cat thinks he needs to go exploring ...he didn't stay out long.

My daughter Gwen called from Florida and said they were having rain. She asked if I needed plowed out and I said"yes" Ernie, her husband said he would send someone over to plow me out. My son-in-law was a sweetheart to think of me being snowed in while they are on vacation in Florida.

Hope all of you had a white Wednesday in some way or another.

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