Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Vintage plates

 A couple of vintage plates  I found at the local thrift store.  The quilt  that is under them I bought at the church white elephant sale last summer for $3.00   I love the  tiny pink pattern on it

                                                    This  one reminds me of my childhood..
I don't think a lot of young ones
remember to do this at bedtime

                             I thought I would also share this flower .
                 I was at my friend's cabin up north last spring when I saw this was growing along  the         
             pathway. I didn't recognize looked like a violet but I had never seen before.
             This spring I finally found the name for this pretty little flower...
                 it's called "Barefoot Violet"   and it is a woodland flower.
               It seems to thrive for me in this pot and I will be able to divide it and transplant it this fall.

 May you find laughter and  peace within your heart today...


  1. Such sweet plates, especially the child saying their prayers!

  2. Good thrifting - I like the first two plates the best. So delicate. sandie

  3. I loved your plate post for today. It is amazing what you can find at these stores if you are there at the right time.
